
Does not recognize my username and password

Mon, 01/20/2014 - 2:49pm - Anonymous


Dietrich on

It's not just you, mine is not recognized either.  The entire wal mart corporation is a f!*#ing joke.  And it feels like as an associate im the punch line.

A Disgruntled E... on

I recieved an email that a bug was in the system that allowed people to register with a username of less than 7 characters, so they closed all of our acounts and told us to re-register. That's cool and all, BUT if you are going to make us do all of that then you need to make sure that the system works. Everytime I get to the end of registering, I get an error. It's happened to me like 3-4 times back-to-back. It is really getting annoying, and it makes me want to quit my job....and I'm not even working when I'm on the website! :-D This whole My Walmart/WalmartOne thing has been a joke from the begining. It seems like there is always a problem whenever you log on to it. It sucks because this was a convenient way to check your schedule and see how much you were getting paid. Well, so much for convience. -_-

Annoyed on
At least you're that far. I don't remember my win ID and when I call my store I get the run around on the phones. Worse part is I don't remember when I work tomorrow, they cut hours so bad I've been off three days straight and lost track. So I have to wake up early, and play phone tag with these a!*#$les, to see when I come in. It really is ridiculous isn't it? This is by far one of the most backwards, inefficient, and greedy companies I've ever worked for.

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