
Can't check out using Chrome, IE or Firefox

Mon, 11/26/2012 - 11:57am - Anonymous


LB on
I couldn't use Chrome to check out at website,but Internet Explorer version 9 work just fine.
Lars on
A lot of different retail stores such as walmart, coborns and others who give the option to shop online have sites that only work with IE. I shop walmart and coborns online and all of the people I've talked to at both places locally say their sites were build around the chrome browser which is a lie. not sure why they say or think this but both sites can only function properly using IE in most cases. Anothe issue are specific links on sites, for example I wanted to order a brand of toilet wipes at walmart and on chrome it would show a link to select to order online but it would not work, I used IE to get to that link and link does not exist so I can't order it there either. These stores are just not taking online ordering seriously yet so they don't put enough money into their tech depts. I use chrome for everything, but I keep IE for just these two stores. You think they'd be able to fix it but in the three years I'v e used both sites it's always been the same, only IE works properly.

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