
cannot proceed to checkout

Fri, 11/23/2012 - 11:17am - Anonymous

the bulls!*t site seems to just refresh, but doesn't GO anywhere.  walmart sucks and if this s!*t doesn't get fixed in an hour I'm going to pay a little more at target for a service that actually works.



michael bryant on
for all the people who can't register your blackfriday card 1hour guarantee call this number but be prepared to wait for more than 5 minutes...601 554 1975 get your card # ready and the ean # is the pin#. got mine finally registered.
michael bryant on
for all the people who can't register your blackfriday card 1hour guarantee call this number but be prepared to wait for more than 5 minutes...601 554 1975 get your card # ready and the ean # is the pin#. got mine finally registered.

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