
Can not view items or checkout

Tue, 07/30/2013 - 8:52am - Anonymous
Can not view items or checkout


Carol on
Same here...for at least 10 days. I get to the "place order" part and then IE "tells" me Walmart isn't responding and IE is closing the program. It's aggravatiing, to say the least, but even MORE aggravating is that Walmart's phone customer service says it's not a problem with their website, that it must be my connection, or computer, or browser...anything BUT Walmart. Walmart may have some of the best prices, but what good is that if you can't make a purchase??!!! I could offer any and everything for 99% off if finalizing the purchase is impossible! Fine. Just fine. I'll have to pay more, but at least I can MAKE THE DANG PURCHASE at Target or any of a number of other websites.

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