
Can't submit shipping label form

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 12:36pm - Anonymous

The site for printing shipping labels is not working. There is no submit button to continue on with a transaction. Cannot get through the first page of the form. This sucks.


lianne on

Yes, what is this about? I can't find a submit button either, after going through an elaborate selection process of box, weight, calculator and what not.

lianne on

It is not very intuitive at all, but after you have gone through selecting your box, weight etc. (or you think so) and are on to the address page, and when you think you are all set and the submit button is missing, you need to pay attention to the last section "SELECT A SERVICE TYPE".

You need to select the right service type in the drop down, but then you have to also click on a BLUE BAR that says "VIEW AVAILABLE SERVICES AND PRICES" (while you think you have already done that). When you click that blue bar, the label is actually "PROCESSED" after which you can select from a list of options that specify a combination of "package type", "scheduled delivery" and "price".

A new section has then also appeared with "add insurance and extra services" and when you select all the additional items, a PAY BUTTON will appear. YEAH!!

lianne on

PS: This problem seems to occur when you start at the "Postage Price Calculator" on and end up thinking that you have already selected your shipping options.

It is better to log in to your usps account (if you have one) or go to and select "print & ship" from the drop-down "mail & ship". There you start out with the shipping label and later select your shipping options.

I hope I have done my good deed for today.

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