
Electronic Correspondence - Verification email not working

Tue, 04/14/2020 - 2:56pm - Anonymous

I have been trying for multiple days to confirm my e-mail link yet I keep getting error screens from the TWC site so I cannot complete it.



Jerri Davidson on

Same proble.  

In Texas on

Fixed it.... change the 80 in your token website to 443

Sam on

Did not work.  All it does is bring me back to the logon page and asks me to re-confirm my email so they can send me the same link.  Did it actually allow you to confirm your email?

In Texas on

Yes. I copied directly to a new browser, backspaced until I got to the 80 and changed the 80 to 443. The first time I tried it didn't work but I went back and checked the most recent confirmation email because I had two and I believe I used the old email first. Both token emails had different numbers. 

Sam on

Still didn't work for me :(.  All it does it is bring me back to the login page, then when I enter my info it says I haven't confirmed my email yet and then prompts me to enter an my email again so they can send another confirmation link...

Sam on

The "443" solution finally worked for me!  When I received the latest "electronic correspondence confirmation" email, I did not click it (i.e. I did not left click), but I right clicked on it, and did "copy as link".  I then pasted the copied link to notepad, and then edited it notepad: replacing 80 with 443 (as suggested in this thread), and then I copied that edited link (now with 443) onto a new Google chrome tab and it worked!

Thank you so much "In Texas!" 

Sorry, but can you explain what you mean? What is a token website?

In Texas on

In the verification email is the link your supposed to click on to take you to the TWC site. Copy that link and paste it in a browser. (I used Firefox because TWC has a list of better working browsers but safari is also one). When you paste move your cursor over to the 80 in the long line of the address and change it to 443. 

Another person on here posted the same directions on a separate post. That's how I found it and it worked for him too. 

Thank you very much for the explanation. Much appreciated!

In Texas on

Here too

Update for others: Tried and tried with your instructions using Firefox. Got nowhere. So I downloaded Google Chrome from their online download. Followed your instructions, and got through to TWC the first time. Again, could not do it from Firefox, but could with Google Chrome. Thought this update might help others. What a pain this has been. But thank you again, In Texas!

Gary Dean on

I reported through in house form yesterday to IT folks at WFC. I was getting same error message for 2 days. Finally worked this morning. Here is what I did. Log on to Work Force Commision. Request new email verification email from them. Log off. When email from WFC arrives click on link to verify email address. Will take you to the WFC log in screen. Log in, again. You should get a congratulations you have verified your email address. Thats it. Yea.

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