
Can't Login

Fri, 06/18/2021 - 1:18am - Anonymous

It asks me to create a new password when I login.  I follow the rules and then it says my user ID and email don't match. It did this same thing awhile back.


Seth Winters on

There seems to be quite a bit of unplanned outages. Is there another way to apply. This is a bit concerning. Honestly, my entire weekend is ruined due to the stress this is going to cause me as a government service to the peopoe, I would expect there to be some notification stating "We are aware of the problem and working to have the sitr operable by...." but instead it seems ike the site is down and not one is even doing anything about it.  I am going to try and reach the CIO to at least ensure he or she is aware of these putages as this is extrmely concerning for a government funded entity appearing as if there is zero accountability. PRAYING the issue is resolved soon. 

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