
Can't open Pinterest app properly from the emails they send

Sat, 04/26/2014 - 1:21pm - Anonymous

When Pinterst sends me the "new boards to follow" emails after clicking on the links the Pinterest app opens, but doesnt open on that board. It opens to my home page instead or to a blank page with no pins at all. I have an Iphone 5s, have cleared my history, downloaded the newest update, and it still doesn't work. 


Liz Carlson on

Nor can I open any Pinterest email links.

Audra on

I am not able to open Pinterest from their e-mails & it is very frustrating!! I can not follow any boards that they suggest. It brings me to my home page. I hope this gets fixed ASAP!!

Jasmemphis on

Also unable to open properly Pinterest from emails

THatch on

I confirm what the first poster said:  when opening an email from Pinterest and attempting to go to a pinner or a board linked from that email, the app opens, but it goes to my last position, it does not open to the pinner or board that I clicked on from the email.

Audra on

My problem had finally been fixed but since the most recent Pinterest update, i am having the problem again! 

Jasmemphis on

Some programmer somewhere screwed up.  And who tested it before updating it?  Boo.

jasmemphis on

working great now . . .

Liz Carlson on

This is the second time in the past two months that this  has happened. I too cannot open any Pinterest email links. So frustrating. And just as with the last time, I send in numerous requests to Pinterest for help and wait and wait for a helpful response. 

Kristina on

I have this same problem. I have deleted the app and reinstalled and nothing changes.  It is incredibly frustrating.  I have no idea what else to do in order for it to work.  I really like the boards and pins they send me but if I can't pin them or look at them, what's the point?

Liz Carlson on

I have been having the same issue (unable to open Pinterest email links) for about two months!

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