
Webpage not available

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 10:39pm - Anonymous
Keeps saying webpage not available, I checked earlier to see if it was running, about 6pm and it was, But I wasnt going to watch movies then, But then I just checked at 1:30 am, and yet again its not working! We've had this problem for a few days now, Is their a way we all can get a discount or something? This is an ongoing problem, Please fix it! This is what is says: This webpage is not available The webpage at{adposition}&ca_cid=325506690&ca_agid=4353056964&ca_adid={creative}&ca_chid=2001704&mqso=80026981&awmatchtype=e&awnetwork={network}&awcreative={creative}&awkeyword=www%20netflix%20com&awposition={adposition}&awexpid={aceid} might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. Error 137 (net::ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED): Unknown error.


Amanda on
It will load on ipod but not laptop, Windows 8.

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