
Found a way into netflicks!!!!

Fri, 11/16/2012 - 9:40pm - Anonymous

If I go to I get a server error. Same way my linking to netflicks I get the same message. If I go to my history and open a recent movie I watched it opens and I can navugate from there.


John Harris on
Type in the url Allows you to navigate without going through history. They have probably taken down the HTML for the Home page to work on it.
Lydia on
dude you rock!
alex on
works, thank you
Angela on
This no longer works; as you type anything on the search box, you get the same error.
John Harris on
You can only do it from the initial page. If you perform a search after you have already searched for something it will error out (it probably has to navigate through a page that is down). Everytime you want to perform a search you will have to go back to the initial page.
John Harris on
Correction: /Search is now down too. Use and use the search bar there. Worked for me as of the time of this post.

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