
DDOS attacks

Thu, 02/27/2014 - 1:45pm - Anonymous

Meetup is currently under DDoS attack. Our services may be up/down intermittently as we seek to restore full functionality.


Royanne on

Will you share your solutions? Thx

Kovacs on

Where do these come from? You get a ransom letter.  Pay or you can DDoS-ed ?

Chris Brooksbank on

What sort of idiot attacks a site which brings communities of people together ? We have run shy-london for years, 1200 socially anxious londoners ( UK ) get to hang out together.

bitchhat on

Better question - why the effffffffffff weren't they prepared for this. for s!*t's sake, this isn't an unheard of event or act of god. 

Royanne on


what do you think the possibility is that Meetup's data is being held for ransom?  if not now, you know damn well it will happen in the future.  We need to, collectively redefine society's values. Now: $ + corruption  - healthcare + religiously judgements =  Success & Prestige 


Royanne on

Working in technology since 1974, I can verify network administrators can't be prepared for every type of attack, because everyday there are new methods/code to break into a network. Hackers also piggyback on well known web-sites to take a network/computer down. 

I am sure the IT people at Meetup are working 24/7 on this problem and hopefully have brought in outside experts, because it could be an inside job. Hang tight, it will be fixed (I hope).

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