Issue Screen Time & Date Comments
Error 503 first byte timeout Tue, 04/18/2023 - 2:19pm
502 Bad gateway Sun, 01/29/2023 - 2:10am
502 Bad Gateway Sun, 10/30/2022 - 12:53pm
502 Bad Gateway Mon, 10/24/2022 - 6:47am
502 Bad Gateway Mon, 10/03/2022 - 4:39pm
Can't even log in Mon, 06/13/2022 - 2:28am
Can't access my groups Wed, 05/11/2022 - 9:05am
website down Mon, 04/04/2022 - 1:41pm
what the? Tue, 02/01/2022 - 1:35pm
website down AGAIN Tue, 01/18/2022 - 10:12am
Meetup app won’t load Tue, 01/18/2022 - 4:54am
Can't log in to Tue, 01/04/2022 - 10:43am
Meetup - 502 Bad Gateway Tue, 12/07/2021 - 10:19am
Can't access groups and events Wed, 11/10/2021 - 10:43pm
error 503
Tue, 06/08/2021 - 3:12am
Error 503 certificate has expired Tue, 01/19/2021 - 4:48am
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Wed, 11/25/2020 - 9:07am
Bad gateway 502
Wed, 09/05/2018 - 9:30am
502 Bad Gateway Fri, 03/03/2017 - 9:46am
Meetup error 522 Mon, 11/30/2015 - 2:39pm
can't get on the meetup site. I'm an event host. Tue, 06/23/2015 - 1:34pm
Secure login page unavailable Sun, 02/22/2015 - 6:18pm
Very slow Mon, 01/26/2015 - 10:52pm
Unable to access site Thu, 10/02/2014 - 8:54am
website is currently down
Sun, 05/18/2014 - 5:30pm
Unable to update account or logoff.
Mon, 03/17/2014 - 9:08pm
can not connect Thu, 03/13/2014 - 1:08pm is still down Sat, 03/08/2014 - 4:49am
mobile and website down Fri, 03/07/2014 - 10:49am
Connection timed out Mon, 03/03/2014 - 11:34am
Meetup is currently unavailable Sun, 03/02/2014 - 7:06pm
So Sorry Meetup - you don't deserve this DDoS Sun, 03/02/2014 - 6:45pm
Same old DDOS issue Sat, 03/01/2014 - 6:12pm
Error 520 Web server is returning an unknown error Sat, 03/01/2014 - 4:10pm
error Sat, 03/01/2014 - 3:39pm
Having the same problem, what is goiing on? Sat, 03/01/2014 - 2:24pm
Getting Error 522 on PC and Hangs on mobile
Sat, 03/01/2014 - 2:13pm
connection timeout Sat, 03/01/2014 - 2:08pm
meetup Edinburgh Sat, 03/01/2014 - 2:25am
Main site still downSaturday 1 March 2014, 0:03am GMT Fri, 02/28/2014 - 4:05pm
can't access Fri, 02/28/2014 - 3:45pm still down Fri, 02/28/2014 - 1:18pm
Unable to get on internet Fri, 02/28/2014 - 11:28am
Back up and working on web
Fri, 02/28/2014 - 11:05am
meetup page not loading Fri, 02/28/2014 - 10:29am is still down since yesterday Fri, 02/28/2014 - 10:16am
phone app appears to work Fri, 02/28/2014 - 10:05am
Can't connect with the server. Fri, 02/28/2014 - 9:36am
webpage is not available Fri, 02/28/2014 - 9:33am
502 bad gateway Fri, 02/28/2014 - 9:22am
