
all deals sold out

Fri, 04/11/2014 - 7:03am - Anonymous



Kari on

Same here - whats going on? Is it regional or site wide?

Samantha on

The one time in ages I get on Groupon and everything is sold out? What gives?

Aaron on

Can confirm. All deals sold out. Not a browser or internet issue as I've tried multiple of each and on different devices. I'm assuming it'll come back, or maybe they went bankrupt by not accepting Google's billion dollar offer?

Felisha on

Same thing happening to me everything is showing sold out on my phone and computer. What's going on groupon?

Max on

10:43 here on the east coast and still sold out.

Sceechvocc on

I had A cart with 5 items . Gone.. All Sold Out and All items are sold out.. 
  Have a feeling could be attack or something . The first thing i did was remove my stored credit cards . 
The sky is falling . :)

Carlos on

You guys must be busy selling everything out! I hope the site is back up soon, I've been trying to buy something for use this afternoon.

Lynette on

Same here! What a bummer it's been 4 hours any updates on why this happened? 

jenn on

its 11:05 and the site still says sold out. I think the  internet is broken in the world lol

Pam on

More than likely precautions to the Heartbleed bug. 

emma on

at first I thought it was just the deals I was searching for, but it's everything! and still down at 10:16 :(

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