
An Error Has Occurred. For security purposes, we have logged you out of the application. We do this to ensure no one else can access your data.

Wed, 06/21/2017 - 7:54pm - Anonymous

I've been getting this error message for weeks:

An Error Has Occurred.

For security purposes, we have logged you out of the application. We do this to ensure no one else can access your data.


I've reset my password a few times. I can basically log in, but then it gives me this error message. Does this in all three browsers I've tried. I've contacted them for help. We'll see what happens.


Pete G on

Have you had any success with this?  I'm getting the same message and being told the lie that "we haven't heard this from any one else - must be your equipment" despite the fact that it happens on two different desktop computers connected to different Internet Service providers, along with a laptop, iPad and iPhone.  Also if you Google the phrase you find quite a few other people experiencing the same problem.

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