
You can get onto the site -read my answer in Log in does not work

Sun, 08/25/2013 - 9:00am - Anonymous
Read my answers in the Title Log In Does Not Work. You can get just have to be quick...until they fix the problem. Since I don't see anyone reading the above topic for my comment and just stating the problem...I am doing this one so hopefully some will be helped. Good Luck. I can't write more than 3 times if it isn't helping others. But I am getting on and paying my bills okay.


Cyn on
And read my response. None of those worked!
jp on
to Cyn: Trying to help. Probably doesn't work for you cause of your attitude. Works for me.
Cyn on
And maybe one day you will learn that internet has several different variables that cause things to work differently for others. Anyone who works with computers in general knows that. Grow up, kid. You are the only one displaying an attitude.

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