
BOA times out

Fri, 01/18/2013 - 5:29pm - Anonymous

tracert shows stoppine in Dallas at


alex on
Not being able to logon to BofA is becoming a regular problem. I am thinking strongly about moving to another back, this is just a hassle and inconvenience I simply do not need!
nwats on
now stopping at
Dorothy Smith on
I remember that someone posted that the problem was related to Comcast Internet service. I have Comcast and have been trying to access the BofA website since the last week in December 2012. Today I decided to try accessing the BofA site at my mom's (she has At&T) and was able to access the site, browse my accounts etc. You know I rushed to try when I returned home and nothing : ( Could not get past the homepage. You would think that they would indicate that the problem seem to be localized to certain internet providers and let us know what is being done to fix the problem. Just thought I would share.
nwats on
thanks for the reply. However, all my other sites are successful except for one of my Citibank accounts. A "tracert" shows those two stopping at an intermediate server well out of my local comcast area. I will go to my ex-wife's house (still best friends) and try her AT&T.
megan on
I have had this issue for months and have Comcast as my internet provider. When I turned off my wifi I was able to use the mobile app. Spent way too much time talking to bofa customer service and they offered no help.

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