
cannot access my weebly site

Thu, 03/14/2013 - 11:49am - Anonymous
cannot access my weebly site; says it is down for maintenance unexpectedly; frustrating; cannot get in touch with anyone!!!


Linda Baute on
Same problem here. I only launched it yesterday, so this really is VERY BAD TIMING!
Bdemps on
me too
frustrated at weebly on
Yeah it was working very slow earlier and now I can't even log in.
Martin on
At first I saw on the bottom left [Weebly adding new features, will reload] became sluggish to the point where it would not load. Then I saw a black background saying what you all saw above... unexpected maint. Now all my pages are fine except one... MY HOME PAGE! It's gone! I mean it is there, but everything is blank. (March 14 7:23pm est).

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