
Email down again

Tue, 12/04/2012 - 2:00pm - Anonymous

Just called Verizon customer service 12-04-12 @ 4:00pm  to say I can't access my e-mail. They said there is a nationwide e-mail outage.


Lori on
Verizon email Down for a few hours now
Dan on
This is incredible. For a nationwide provider to have email down from one side of the country to the other is unheard of. There must be something major going down...but it's just email. My DSL w/ verizon is up.
Georgia on
Thank you!! Just spent a few hours trying to troubleshoot my Outlook and using Verizon's wonderful (tongue in cheek) In House Agent. Would it be so difficult for Verizon to put something on their home page about this and all other outages? Would save us a lot of hours trying to fix their problem!
KenyanBornObama on
Same here! I have been trying since this morning and thought it was my PC. Glad to see it's not just me. At least we know what's going to happen when Obama shuts down the internet, only we won't be able to get ANY internet at all! Welxome to the good ole days!
Patrice on
I agree!!!! Just a simple note saying 'we apologize, but we have an issue' We all know it goes down from time to time and they are working to resolve it, but a simple note would save us hours trying figure out if its on our end, or finding a site like this one. I deleted my account then added it back in on my iPad, changed the ports, went to a different browser to access the online version. I lost my saved email no big deal but jaeeesh. A simple note would have saved me from this tail spin.
joff on
Same here in Nor California.
Eric on
Down in Columbia, MD also.
Danette on
Jay on
I find verizon email to be the least reliable email service I've ever used. I need access to my email at all times. This is ridiculous. I'm switching to gmail.
denise on
havnt been able to access email since about 3pm today right outside philadelphia. get it fixed!
Herb on
Verizon email seems to be becoming a very unreliable service...
Diane on
My email is still down. Has the company issued a statement on when it is going back up?
Peg on
Yep, email is down in SE Pennsylvania as well - just email, internet and phone service are fine (I have FIOS, only internet & phone). It's been down since at least noon today.... Verizon - heal thyself!!!!
Angela on
Mine has been down since about 3pm here in Baltimore,MD.
Dave on
Down in SW PA -- Pittsburgh -- Since aorund 5 p.m. Very frustrating, especially since I'm awaiting an e-mail from someone who doesn't mv my phone @. Agree that they should put something up on the main verizon page.
Lori on
I opened a hotmail account and "connected" it with my verizon account. Although I can't get into Verizon directly, I am able to see and reply to email from verizon through hotmail.
KenyanBornObama on
Hey, good idea!
J on
Almost 8pm and still down!
J on
That's 8pm EST in Delaware.
KenyanBornObama on
Meet the ELITE Technicians/Agents from the Verizon Technical Support Team:
Chuck on
Email still down at 8:30pm Eastern in MD.
Jay on
For what they charge a month, you'd think their service would at least be decent.
Eric on
Still down at 8:50 p.m. 12/04/12 in Baltimore MD. And this has been preceded by weeks (or was it months?) of ratty e-mail connectivity. Sometimes could send but not receive (no POP server). Now ... nothing. Pretty poor for a supposedly professional outfit.
Jim on
Almost 9pm in western Pa and email is still down. Talked to a Verizon tech and was told it will be down until 1am
Terri on
My email is finally back up here in central Pennsylvania.
KenyanBornObama on
I got a few emails coming through now, but it's going VERY SLOOOOOW!
Chuck on
Emails have started trickling in ~9:10pm Eastern
Dave on
Back up @ 9:15 in W PA
Lori on
back up at 9:35 in central MD
kshuff on
Mine is down now in eastern PA 12-05-12
bilker on
Down again! Can't even ping the servers.

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