
Website will not load for past 18 hours

Fri, 03/15/2013 - 12:45pm - Anonymous
Website won't load at my home or office both in the same town but both on different ISP's. Called USBANK and they said site is fine. Can't do it with a laptop, desktop. I CAN however load the site on my Android (not the ap but the site from the phone web browser BUT ONLY if I load it on 4G and not WiFi. If I try and load the site with my android on wifi it won't load. WTF? They can't fix it until they admit it's broken. :(


Raquel on
I called USBANK again - I had called several hours ago and NOW they are acknowledging that they are having technical difficulties that are affecting intermittent people. Some can get on some can't and I AM THE CAN'T! She did not have an estimated restoral time :(

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