
Various aspects of google site not able to edit, etc

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 3:34pm - Anonymous

Currently I cannot edit, add new page nor "manage" my site via chrome or firefox. Via IE (I can't believe I am using IE for something) I can edit and add page but I can not seem to add any gadgets (gadgets identical to ones I have used in the past). In terms of the gadgets, I am getting a "not gadets are available". All in all, everything is just wonky and intermittent.


Chris the Carpenter on
C'mon guys, its getting worse. Now I have lost the "edit" tabs at the top (even after signing in). I have these tabs via Chrome or FF, but I cannot add pages, add gadgets nor get to "manage" via Chrome or FF. With IE, I used to be able to at least edit and add pages, only missing the gadgets but now, I have lost the edit buttons entirely. We are going on 2 days now and I REALLY need to get some work done. It would be one thing if this was a free site, but you are getting money from me each month. Could someone shoot me an email maybe?

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