
clear cached image files (solved)

Thu, 10/29/2020 - 6:55am - Anonymous

To fix the blank screen issue after log in.

Google chrome is the issue, not 5/3rd. Simply open up "History" on Google Chrome.

Click on "Clear browsing history"

Check mark "Cached image files"

Then clear history.

log in and all is good.


C. McCurdy on

Seriously, that DOES NOT WORK. The bank site isn't working on Microsoft Edge AND Google Chrome.  I actually cleared my cookies on Google Chrome and guess what.  Bank STILL DIDN'T work.  So all is NOT good and problem IS NOT solved!

C. McCurdy on

Update:  I was FINALLY able to get in on Google Chrome today (10-29-2020), however the site should work on ALL up to date browsers!  The bank is aware of this issue and admits there is STILL an issue on THEIR end not on the browser end of things.

Susan J Parrett on

I finally cleared my browsing history and cached images. WORKS FINE NOW!!!!

Susan J Parrett on

Four days later, DOES NOT WORK again!!!! WTH???

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