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just a guy on
The same thing happened to me. Your profile was likely deleted by okcupid. Check out this page: Now scroll to the conduct section at the bottom: "While using the website, you agree that you shall not under any circumstances harass or make mischief against any other user of the Website. Humor Rainbow reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, what constitutes harassment or mischief, and where that has occurred; and may, also at its sole discretion, partially or completely deny service to any infringing party." You probably offended another user. That user clicked the Report Abuse button, and one of the site moderators disabled your profile. If you want to use the site again, here is what you need to do: 1. Clear the cookies on your browser. 2. If you use the Android app, go to settings->applications->okcupid and delete application data. 3. Make a new okcupid profile linked to a DIFFERENT EMAIL ADDRESS. People are petty on the site, especially crazy cat ladies. If someone pisses you off, just leave it alone. Don't email them and tell them to f*ck off. Otherwise, your profile will get disabled again. Good luck.