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Almaz Asresahin on
No I have tried three different computers and phone. I still don't understand why my profile would disappeared with no any can of warning or of anything I did. I am serious adult, do not do stupid stuff. I only really still try, b/c I was in communication with this guy that I felt was going well and he might think that I as never real human to begin with how else can just disappear in the middle of our good communication. Does, is there is anyone at the Okcupid who does any kind of maintenance of this site, do they ever read our email, and if not why provide the option to email them? This seems really crazy and unprofessional, don't see the good in frustrating people, who were made to be drawn by their false advertising that this website was the best on heart, they should the worse on earth. Anyway, if anyone has any idea suggestion I certainly would appreciate it. Almaz