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Web Page Login not woking

Mon, 12/09/2013 - 4:14pm - Anonymous

when I go to the web site, the page for the site comes up with only the header and selection options.

When I click on the < login > there is no response, other click options also have the same response.  The site appears to NOT

Respond.  I called the phone number for customer service and got a answering service in the Philippines.  That person was of NO HELP.

He could only suggest I try a different web browser.  The Internet Explorer that I have used for the past 5-years has always worked

just fine and is at the latest update. I have no other problems accessing other web sites, ONLY WALMARTMONEYCARD.  Has the company

lost all sense for customer service?  Apparently, there really is NO Customer Service.  Most Walmart clerks don't know anything about

how to get answers to questions and issues involving the WalmartMoneyCard.  The only other contact information I have been able to

find is the mailing address in CA.  I expected better product service from WALMART!