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one hour wait guarantee

Thu, 11/28/2013 - 7:36pm - Anonymous
We're sorry, but due to extremely high traffic to our 1-Hour Guarantee page and
 customer service phone line, you'll need to wait for just a few moments before we 
can let you through to redeem your 1-Hour Guarantee gift card on-line. By leaving this page open, you are "in line" and we'll check every 30 seconds 
to see if it's your turn to get in. Leaving this page open and checking back
 every few minutes is the best way to redeem your 1-Hour Guarantee gift card. And don't worry, you can redeem your gift card anytime before the end of 
Sunday*--so if it's more convenient to come back later, you can do that instead. Either way, we're holding your item for you. 

* This site will be available until 11:59 pm CST on Sunday Dec. 1