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nancy williams on

I am going to finally have to leave yahoo to be able to get decent email service.  Come on people - I just want to send and receive e-mails here.  I miss being able to scan by page, what is up with temp error 46 crap?????  I am wasting every day just trying to get this thing to function halfway.  Should have asked yourselves - why are we going to break something that doesn't really need big fixes?  Why not just "fix" what you had and leave it simple and straightforward.  This stinks all over it and I am sick of it.  I have to go around in 3 circles just to delete a message!  Feel like my dog trying to find a spot to lay down.  Errrrrrr.  Get it right people. 

BTW - I am usually a very calm, sweet, caring, person who is very patience.  This has really hit my button.