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Another outage

Fri, 06/18/2021 - 11:43pm - Anonymous

First, the tme stap for this seems to be incorrect? The current date/time is 6/19 1:27am. This appears to be anothr unplanned outage. I think you would alleviate a lot fo users' anxiety to --at a mminimum-- place a page up stattig that you are aware of an outage and expect to have ti resolved by x date. Instead it's almost as if these outages are par fot the ocurse and that's just how it is--take it or leave it---which is unnacceotable for a government entity funded by the people. 

I will do my best to contact the leadership tesm responsible for the website and/or whomever is overseeing thsi as just like in the public marketplace there needs to be some accontability here. I have workdd in software development for nearly 30 years now and have yet to see a site have this many issues, worse yet the appearance is one of "too bad", which I truly hope is not the case. as this is funded by tje people and we have some say in this. Thank you and here's hoping this gets resolved soon. I understand a site having issues but this is bordering on surreal.