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Site finally allowed log in, but won't allow request of payment!

Tue, 04/07/2020 - 2:16am - Anonymous

Unable to request payment! After multiple attempts to log on since my "designated filing date" of Sunday April 5th, I finally got logged on at about 3:30 am on Tuesday April 7th. (It first said my password was incorrect even though I know it was correct, but it allowed me to change the password and log in.) However, it then gave me an error... Information !! Today is not your designated filing date. Your designated filing day is SUNDAY. Please file on your designated filing day or on Thursday through Saturday. Yet when I check my "Claim and Payment Status", it confirms my "Next Date to Request Payment:Today". It also shows my last processed date of "TWC Processed Date:Mar 24, 2020". Looks like I need to try calling Call: 800-939-6631, but will I be able to get through????