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Jason Kincaid on

I also have Linux Ubuntu and have called CBS several times about the outage.  This last time I got someone who was willing to be upfront with me.  He said that Linux is not on the list of supported desktops, only Microsoft and Apple OSs.  Linux use was broken, "probably" by accident, but since it wasn't supported there will be no rush to fix it and it may well never be fixed.

This was not good news as I have a massive Linux media computer that I have hooked up to a large TV and use for all streaming and video storage/playback.  Not willing to throw in the towel, I did come up with a workaround.  It's messy, but it works.

I installed Oracle VirtualBox on the Linux machine. Then I used it to create a 32 bit Windows 7 virtual machine that can run inside Linux.  When I want to watch All Access, I start the virtual machine, then start Chrome inside of it and watch CBS from there.  I just watched two episodes of FBI in this manner.  The video is somewhat less smooth than before, but still very watchable and definitely better than nothing.

Hopefully CBS will relent regards Linux, but for the moment this will let me watch Picard.