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Gigglygoooo on
No, dork, you didn't have me going because I know better! I click on my nonoba bookmark once per day. Ok, sometimes twice, the latter being right before I go to bed which, incidentally, will be here in a few minutes! As to whether this is our new chat room, I dont know, what do you think? It's nice and quiet, free from advertising and, best of all, it's always up, as in online! Makes ya wonder .... does the sitedown site ever go down? and what is ".co" vs .com? Colorado? Nonba seemed to be running pretty fast today .... i clicked and BAM! there it was! But same ol same ol ... Locked and moved threads .... rude replies to members ... s!*tzu is alive and well and running the joint all alone or so it seems! What's your Kong level these days? Havent logged in there in ages! I play kong mobile on my phone here and there. For me it's become all Facebook all the time! I'm in so deep now I dont know what to do! Having a blast though. If you stayed in touch with friends from HS and everyone was close, then FB is non-stop hysteria! Good times. Fingers crossed to see you soon back in Starland. Peace.