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Amy Hirschel on

This is where scrolling works right now and where it doesn't:
Scrolling within a personal board does not work. Takes you right back to the top, skips pins etc.
Scrolling through the home feed does work.
Scrolling through the search page works too.
Scrolling through another pinner's board also works.
HOWEVER, when I get to my own board, open it up and start to scroll down to find a certain pin I pinned say 2 weeks ago, I cannot for the life of me get to it because it doesn't scroll anywhere past 10-15 pins and and it takes you right back to the top (the first pins at the top of the board)
I am just really frustrated. My Pinterest app works on my phone but the Pinterest site on my desktop, on my computer, in Safari and in Chrome, DOES NOT WORK properly at all.