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James Osteen on

Using Chrome and this error popped up after having no issues before watching videos. I did these two steps and all was working again. 1) Clear Browsing Data (make sure you are clearing everything except for passwords and autofill form data). 2) I also went to Advanced Settings > Reset Settings only because it's good to do this from time to time to reset everything in your browser back to default. Option 2 should be optional, but recommended. The reason why option 1 should fix your issue (if you make sure to clear everything but the passwords and autofill form data) is because most of the time the token used on the abc website to confirm your cable provider is corrupted and it needs to re-verify. Instead of doing this by default it just gives you an error, but if you clear the data in the browser it should ask you to verify your provider once again and after doing so the video should play. Hope that helps someone.