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Belinda Bittick on

Walmart has declined our c Union checks so we paid w a debit card. Then we find out for every check declined, w. Mart requests payment to our c Union up to 3 and 4 times until the check is pd.  So, 25 bucks per nsf per Walmarts requests for payment UNTIL IT GETS PD, AND f!*#ING WAL-a!*-MART GETS PD FOR THE TRANSACTION TWICE. GET IT? WE f!*#ING LEFT WITH OUR DECLINED CHECK IN HAND BUT WE PAID FOR THE GOODS BY ANOTHER MEANS ...SHOULD BE END OF f!*#ING STORY. RHOSE f!*#S ARE GONNA BE SORRY WHEN WE GET DONE WITH THEM. AAAAGGGHHHHH!!!