
Any checkout

Wed, 04/08/2020 - 1:48am - Anonymous

We're sorry, the items in your basket can't be picked up together.


Charlotte Stewart on

I cannot pay for items in my cart. I'm told to pay for things one at a time, but that doesn't work either. I get the message: 

We're sorry, the items in your basket can't be picked up together.

Maureen Hutch on

Were you ever able to check out?  I am getting the same message today, Saturday, 8/7/2021.  It's ridiculous!

R on

Getting the same message unable to order

Dorothy MCclelland on

Same message I guess  the want us to pay shipping on every order

Pam M on

Same message on 8/25/21

person on

same for me here, Sept 7 2021

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