
not able to pay for labels

Mon, 06/01/2015 - 6:31am - Anonymous

tried last night several times, tried again this morning. It won't let me pay for the labels.. I need to ship today!


Philip DiBenedetto on

Please fix your site. Can't get passed payment page. Tried last night and this morning.  Tried 3 different browsers. Also tried filing a claim, tells me no such tracking number while I have the reciept in my hand from click and ship!!!!!!!!! I've wasted so much time on these issues, I could  have went to UPS!


Chi on

I tried 3 browsers too but the web page is not working. In addition, USPS web site has not updated my activity history for months!!

Corey on

Unable to pay for labels.  6/1/15, for the last half hour or more.

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