
ATT e-mail not working again

Wed, 02/05/2014 - 6:26am - Anonymous

Maybe time to call the attorney.


Dale Randall on

Our client e-mails, sent to other members of our family or myself are not being received via our clients, and don't even show up on/from the Yahoo AT&T accounts, for about a month now. E-mail sent to other non ATT users with our clients via are okay. We can compose e-mails on Yahoo and send them to our selves or others at & they are received on Yahoo & our PC Clients with no problems, What has changed? DO WE NEED TO CHANGE OUR SETTINGS?

Dale Randall on

False Alarm. I found that I had miss-filed some messges in the last few weeks And Today when I was testing it with other members of my family, It was taking a long time for Yahoo ATT to process the email.

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