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Can't Log in Online or App

Sun, 10/23/2022 - 9:15am - Anonymous

I just created an account after receiving a mailer. Everything asks for a Debit Card No. and PIN, which I don't have as I opted out of that during account creation. I happened to record my account number when I set it up, so I did somehow manage to log in once like a week or two ago, but haven't been able to log in since. 

Called them last week and after I was put on hold the call somehow disconnected. Phone prompt is also annoying (makes you wait through the entire list of stuff and keeps asking for a PIN with no option to immediately say you don't have one). The only way to get message support is if you can.... log in. The Live Customer Service number didn't let me know it was closed on Sunday, so I wasted some time with that.

As soon as I can actually get access to my money, I'm 100% shutting this checking account down. Never had so many problems with a bank before.