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Phone line not removed from 2001. Looks like live power line.

Mon, 06/26/2017 - 7:11pm - Anonymous


We have a phone line that has been tied off to our subdivision's Northeast Exit road side rod iron fence and then coiled up behind the rod iron fence

and behind the Reserve of Woodcreek sign at 12 Mile Road and Middlebelt area in Farmington Hills, since the Subdivion was completed in 2001.

It has been mistaken for a live power line more than once and it needs to be removed.

The builder must not have called to have it removed.

The Reserve at Woodcreek is across from Farmington Hills fire station #2 aboud 1/4 mile north of 12 Mile road on the East side of Middlebelt road.

You will see the wire coming from the Pole down to the fence.

If you need more info please call me Carl Cadieux at 248 640-8637