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Netflix Playback Error S7363-1266-00002E18

If you get the error code S7363-1266-00002E18 while watching on your Mac computer, it typically points to a DRM issue. Follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issue.

Note: Digital Rights Management (DRM) is software for authorizing the playback of copyrighted material. It’s intended to protect copyrighted material from piracy, and is used in both physical DVDs as well as movies or TV shows available to watch instantly.

  1. Close other open programs such as YouTube, iTunes, and QuickTime.
    • Select the Apple Icon in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
    • Select Force Quit.
    • Select any media players that are still running such as QuickTime and iTunes select Force Quit.
  2. Quit Safari and then restart it.
  3. Try Netflix again.

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