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Mark on

The USPS Click-n-Ship website is sooooo screwed up - again!

I seem to remember that they did this last summer too. It's almost as if someone's favorite 14 year old neice was given a cool summer job of "improving" the website... The USPS no sooner gets their website functional and stable than they feel compelled to "Improve" it - screwing it up all over again.

FWIW, RR packaging is still down for me too at 11:00 AM AZ time. I did finally manage to print a single label using Chrome - it only took 15 minutes or so...

C'mon USPS - lots of us run businesses that rely on Click-n-Ship. You gotta do better than this! After all, UPS and FedEx are constantly sniffing after our business... and if you keep screwing us around they are likely to get it!