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Ted on

After USPS start declin my payment(credit card,paypal payment all declined),I ve been using paypal shipping as mentioned above.Its a little chaper than USPS.That's really helpfull.

But I can not use address book so each time I have to type in address even for those who I oftenly send.

Also,if I use my credit card through paypal,I can not get my reward points.

I tried call the 877-747-6249 again and again but they put me on hold forever.

Last weekend Saturaday, (its almost several month since we have not called them)I thought I gave it a try.

And they took my phone call@@

They immidiately found the proplem its a account connection error and sent to tech support those info to fix.

They told me it took 48hrs to fix and would send me email once they compleated their repair.

I was not so sure if they did or not from my past experience but yes, 3days later includes sunday ,I got email it confirmed it fixed.

I can now fully use click & ship as it should like before.

Call Saturaday or other off peak hours to the number above. Thank you Anna your info on 6/20/2014 helped me!