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scookat on
Same issue here (northeast KS) since Friday, ridiculous! No access via mobile device, either through my browser or the ebay app. Hey, AT&T - THIS IS HOW I MAKE MY LIVING! FIX IT, ALREADY! And for crying out loud, stop telling me to "turn on wi-fi" - I live in bum-freak Egypt and I don't have wi-fi (or a nearby Starbucks) or satellite or cable Internet - I have several expensive little Apple devices and your cellular service, period, to stay connected. This absolutley blows. NOTE TO OTHERS WITH THIS PROBLEM: I have been getting a (very limited) connection to ebay via AT&t's so-called 4G network when using Opera mini, but it's by no means a good alternative or permanent solution. Download Opera mini and try it, it's the best browser for getting through to these blocked sites.