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Site down for at least 3 hours

Tue, 12/18/2012 - 2:07pm - Anonymous

Been trying to access the site since 2 p.m. It's now 5 p.m, and still the site is down. According to an earlier report (at 2 p.m.), the site had been down at that time for at least 3 hours. All told then (if we are to trust the earlier poster), THE SITE HAS BEEN DOWN AT LEAST 6 HOURS. Frankly, that's not okay. People have bills to pay, tranfers to make, etc. Well Fargo cannot expect people to just accept that the site won't work, ESPECIALLY IF THEY DON"T EVEN E-MAIL PEOPLE BEFOREHAND! And if they don't know in advance that the site will be down, THEY MUST E-MAIL PEOPLE TO LET THEM KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON AND WHY THEY CAN'T ACCESS THEIR ACCOUNTS!