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LS on

I hope this helps someone else and is the correct way to handle this.  This first version of the software is poorly designed and does not install properly as a non-administrative user.  Normally you can right-click and "Run as administrator" to install the program or install while logged in as the Administrator.  This should, but does not, work with this application.  After multipe iterations of failure installing the program as THE administrator and running AS administrator we found the solution:

1. Make the user that normally runs the software an administrator temporarily by adding them to the Administrators group on the PC.  No user these days should be running as Administrator or an equivalent because of malware threats.

2. Log in as the shipping program user (now administrator)

3. Uninstall the program

4. Install the program (Download link here:

5. Run the program and you should find your address book and shipping history intact

6. Remove the shipping user from the Administrators group on the PC

7. Log in as the shipping program user and be happy

Hopefully USPS updates the program to handle today's modern security model.
