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Vanessa Faxanadu on

This worked, however, I don't do Windows.

(I use Fedora 21. Linux.)

For those who use the Linux distribution Fedora, all you need to do is (because I use a cell phone and my IP geolocation said I was a timezone away)...

sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Chicago (because my IP geolocation said Chicago)

(but use timedatectl first to list your timezone setting, which mine was "America/Indiana/Indianapolis", then timedatectl list-timezones to be sure.)

Then after your session with Chase is over, reset it back with the timezone you had earlier...

sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Indiana/Indianapolis

(of course, these are only examples.)

For those who use Ubuntu or Debian...

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

and a text menu (debconf) will guide you.j