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CL having DNS issues - currently addressing

Sun, 12/23/2012 - 10:12am - Anonymous

CL is currently having DNS issues; they are aware of it and are trying to trace down the exact problem. This is why you can still access the site via anonymizers and some smart phone connections, but cannot post or access a CL account. For example, this is the link to access the Tampa site via Anonymouse:

This works because the normal referral system inherent in DNS calls is being bypassed; the site is still there, but without the proper DNS exchange, you will not be able to either post or access your account. Here is what is posted on CL:

353: wassail - Holiday DNS issue
Updated Sun, Dec 23 - 09:36 PST

reports of inability to access craigslist, possible DNS issue, investigating

As you can see, this post was made within the last hour, so there is no real indication of how long the CL admins have known about the problem. Ergo, we have no choice but to be patient.

I've heard rumors of ways to access the full CL site, and postings are still being made on the Tampa site, but I have no link that would allow you to do so. If you have such a link, please post it.
