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Cannot login, view products, or check out on website and mobile app

Sun, 12/03/2023 - 10:16am - Anonymous

I tried to make a purchase yesterday afternoon, but it kept saying there was an error on their end, and to contact them via live chat. The representative first asked me to check if my internet was connected (how would I be messaging them without internet??), told me to clear my cache/cookies, and then told me to use a different browser. None of those worked. I tried Google Chrome, Firefox, Incognito mode for both browsers, the website on my phone, and then finally the mobile app--without any success. Now I can't even log into my account or view any products without getting an error message. I can't even reset my password. For now, I'll try to call the customer service hotline to place my order over the phone, but these technical issues are really terrible. I can't see myself becoming a regular customer until these problems are fixed.