503 - Maintenance
The server is temporarily down for scheduled maintenance. It usually takes no more than 60 minutes. Please visit us again when it comes back online.
Thank you for your patience.
- See more at:

Still getting the same warning. it's been weeks now.
We have never been able to resolve this. Would love to find a fix!
Change your proxy, using proxy switcher software or change it from control panel
It works for me
I have been attempting to get to this site from home for quite some time. To no avail. No proxy server. I confirmed this behavior in IE, FF, and Chrome. It works properly from my iPhone. Could this be a DNS issue of some sort?
Does anyone besides me have Primus Canada as their ISP? This site has been down for us for almost a year now. We don't have a proxy and have tried clearing our DNS and repointing DNS but nothing has worked. We had an IT specialiast run traceroutes and showed us that we are going to the correct IP address and this IP works at other physical locations outside of our building. We get 503 Maintenance from any computer in our building including directly from our server. It doesn't matter which browser.
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