
Recent Reports

Site Issue Time & Date Comments
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Logging into personal banking site timing out and taking back to login page 12:14pm 2/28/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Cannot load homepage 11:55am 2/28/11 down again! 11:06pm 2/26/11
https://www.dropbox.comDropbox General outage 3:57pm 2/24/11 page will not load. all other sites I try load. 12:19pm 2/24/11 Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be... 4:50pm 2/23/11 Guardian The Guardian website is repeatedly inaccessible after 10pm UK time since this... 3:12pm 2/23/11 Post page won't load 4:42am 2/19/11
https://www.dropbox.comDropbox down since at least 10 min ago 8:20am 2/18/11
http://www.adobe.comAdobe 3:05am 2/18/11 This webpage is not available 1:19am 2/18/11 Cannot get to paypal to make ebay payment 12:59am 2/18/11 user pages at do not load 9:31am 2/17/11 Can't ping bing. 10:18pm 2/10/11
http://www.huffingtonpost.comThe Huffington Post Site not loading 5:02pm 2/6/11 can't access site 9:10pm 2/5/11
https://www.groupon.comGroupon Login/account access unavailable for two days running 3:55pm 2/4/11
https://www.groupon.comGroupon sign on/sign up site down all day 12:29pm 2/4/11
https://www.groupon.comGroupon Account access available 7:51pm 2/3/11
https://www.groupon.comGroupon server down 11:25am 1/29/11 Post page doesn't load 4:04pm 1/24/11 Our site is temporarily unavailable. We're working quickly to restore... 11:16am 1/23/11 Chase site is blank and won't load 10:46am 1/23/11
http://www.huffingtonpost.comThe Huffington Post Site will not load up right away 1:26pm 1/22/11
https://www.groupon.comGroupon server not responding 11:52pm 1/18/11
https://www.groupon.comGroupon can't get any part of the site to load 11:50pm 1/18/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America no response from the Server 10:20am 1/14/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Site Down - No Page 9:57am 1/14/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Cannot log on via desktop or moblie. It just "clocks" and never lets... 8:36am 1/14/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Site will not open account info 8:32am 1/14/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America get to point of sitekey, then after entering password, never finishes logon 8:19am 1/14/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America sever down 7:32am 1/14/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Online Banking Login hangs 7:26am 1/14/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Site down 6:24am 1/14/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Inernal server error 6:02am 1/14/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America timeout 5:55am 1/14/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Internal Server Error (500) 5:44am 1/14/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America "Internal Server Error" when attempting to access account 5:09am 1/14/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Internal Server Error 4:59am 1/14/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America internal server error 4:55am 1/14/11 Can't print USPS shipping labels 8:08pm 1/10/11 MSN Music Site. When checking download status of previous music that was... 6:55pm 1/10/11 site is down since a long time in Egypt 3:33am 1/10/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Internal server error 6:40am 1/8/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Internal 500 Server Error 6:17am 1/8/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America 500 Internal Server Error 6:14am 1/8/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Internal Server Error 5:53am 1/8/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America internal server error 5:44am 1/8/11
https://www.bankofamerica.comBank of America Internal server error 5:14am 1/8/11
FoursquareFoursquare Sorry! We're having technical difficulties 11:28am 1/4/11
