
Access Denied error

Mon, 03/13/2017 - 6:00pm - Anonymous

Access Denied

You don't have permission to access "" on this server.

Reference #18.dd2e12d1.1489453024.fd7c7d2


I keep on getting the above error when trying to access ebay. It's been two days now on two different machines and three different browsers.

I cycled by router and did malware scans on my pc several times.

ebay says its microsoft but I dont think so. Does anyone have any ideas?



Elizabeth Wise on

Me too - access denied!  I have tried everything for days and I can not get back on.  I am still making sales but I can't list anything or view anything on eBay.

joe on

You don't have permission to access "" on this server.

pissing me off!

Elizabeth on

Well the problem ended for me as mysteriously as it started.  Got up the other morning and could go everywhere on eBay.  It resolved itself.  I feel as if eBay was "punishing me" and my punishment period ended?????

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